Astrology Solutions for Money Problem

Wealth is an important aspect of our life. It may not be like the most important thing ever, but ya know, it’s pretty key to get all the stuff we totally need. Astrosatva has this cool thing where they do astrology consultations and they say they can help us get over all the money woes. And let’s be real, sometimes no matter how hard we grind and do every single thing we can think of, the cash just doesn’t come through. It’s like, seriously annoying. But still, after all of this, we are sometimes unable to deal with financial problems as money and astrology has a close connection.
And unable to understand at what point we are lagging. We are doing all possible things but somehow finances don’t stay with us and we are like, totally trying everything we can think of, but the moolah just keeps slipping through our fingers, you know? And it might be because of those weird star-thingies and their mathy stuff. To fix it, we should totally talk to someone who’s like a financial-star-whisperer or something, and they can help us with some cosmic advice. So, we’ve gotta check out this money problem astrology thing to find out what’s up with our cash flow.Let astrology for money work for you to lead a happy life.
There are many remedies for money problem available in astrology world. With these astrological remedies, you can alleviate all the monetary issues to a great extent. So that you get a better and happier tomorrow by using astrological remedies. As we all get it, “Don’t wait for stuff to go wrong, just stop it before it happens!” It’s like, way smarter to not let bad things happen in the first place than to have to deal with them after. It’s kinda like fixing your bike before it breaks down on the way to school, so you don’t miss your math test. Who wants extra homework?
Here are few astrological remedies to solve money problems:
- Treat Women With Respect: The house where women are given respect and love always thrives with prosperity and money because women are the embodiment of Goddess Laxmi that’s why the never face money problems.
- Honestly “the best policy”: totally not doing shady stuff to get cash, you know? It’s like, if you do bad things for money, it’ll never stick around and you’ll be sad forever. You’ll always feel like, ugh, I did something wrong. And you know what? It won’t make you happy, like, not even for a quick minute.
- Charity: It’s like, super important to give some of your dough to people who really need it. Like, each month, set aside a chunk of your cash and donate it. It’s like giving back to the universe, and apparently, it makes the goddess Lakshmi super happy. And when she’s happy, she’ll totally shower you with more blessings. It’s like a cosmic win-win!
- Locker placement :If you’ve got a spot to keep your money safe, like a locker or something, it should be in the south or southwest part of your house. And it should face north, ’cause that’s where Kuber hangs out, and he’s like the god of wealth and stuff. If you do this, you’ll get more moolah coming your way, it’s like a Feng Shui thing, but for money.
- Never get anything for free or give too much away: It’s kinda weird, but if you don’t pay for services, it’s like you’re not respecting the energy exchange. So, always hand over the cash for what you get, it’s just the right thing to do.
- Tulsi plants: They’re the bomb! Plant one in your yard and it’s like a prosperity magnet. Plus, every night, light up a little lamp with ghee (that’s like butter that’s had all the water boiled out) and pray to it. It’s like giving a shout-out to the universe for keeping the wealth vibes in your crib. Trust me, it’s a high school student’s guide to being financially blessed!
- Cow Feeding: Well-known Astrologers claim that feeding cows on Wednesdays with green grass is another astrological remedy to fight the financial crisis, and also keep your home clean of chaotic items and damaged utensils.
- Worship Goddess Lakshmi: Make sure to say your prayers to Goddess Lakshmi every day before you do anything else, like before you even grab your phone to check your snaps. It’s like asking the universe for a good start to your day.
- Worship Lord Vishnu: Fridays are like special days for Goddess Lakshmi’s main squeeze, Lord Vishnu. Use a seashell and offer him water, but remember to face it towards the south. It’s like throwing salt over your shoulder for good luck, but with water and a shell. And it totally makes Goddess Lakshmi happy, which is like winning the lottery for your wallet.
- Positive Vibes: Keep your head in the game and think happy thoughts. It’s like telling the universe to chill and send you good stuff. The more positive you are, the more likely good things will come your way.
- Lady of the House: Your mom or the chill auntie at home should always keep it fresh and smiling. If she’s happy, the whole house feels like a good vibe party and it can also solve money problems.
- Mantras: Sometimes when you’re feeling like your bank account is crying, chant some of these mantras. They’re like ancient spells to help you get your dough back and make sure you’re swimming in cash. Just remember them like you remember your locker combo and say them out loud or in your head for that extra financial oomph. They are “Shree Sukta” 16 times a day, “Mahalakshmi ashtakam” 11 times a day, “Narasimha Lakshmi Karavalamba Stotra” for those who are in debt, and so on. By doing this you can overcome from money problems.
You can follow these remedies for money problem to fight against debt. With these astrological remedies, you can improve your finances effectively. Know your future with professional horoscope predictions.
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